Story: Its time to confront the truth about your magnetism
Its storytime.
Let me take you back (briefly) to a period when, despite having magnetic energy, I felt absolutely invisible.
It came at a time when I had low self-esteem, less healthy emotional relationships, felt disembodied, and lacked an understanding of not only my soul identity but also an intuitive practice to ground myself. I just did not understand why I could connect with others and attract the opportunities I wanted while experiencing a lack of internal trust and fulfillment.
I observed others who followed a different beat, were less connected to others and the energy field around them, effortlessly divert people and mask success into their life, and I could not help but feel interested while also being upset by the unfairness. How can you read the writing on the wall in a room full of people if either a group is intentionally ignoring it or they are unaware of the matrix?
It was not until my mid-20s, after a series of soul-emerge-n-see (listen to the old podcast interviews) and a focus on developing psychic and mediumship skills, that I came to a life-changing realization: magnetism is an innate, God*-given/Spirit*-driven/Creator* regenerative energy. This information was gained through channeling and traditional wisdom from my aging elders. It suddenly made sense why not only my soul's power, but also the energy field that sustained and encircled me, seemed chaotic, greater, and richer.
For me, purpose was always waiting, and I only needed to direct a few things along the way to secure my progress, protection, and connections.
This realization was both liberating and challenging. I had to quickly learn to be deliberate with my thoughts and words while becoming mindful of the energy I projected and attracted. Through shadow work, I discovered deep-seated patterns, as well as my primary and secondary fears, that were sabatoging my intellect, relationships, and success.
I began to differentiate between the energy around me, recognizing harmful or unhealthy influences and preserving my self-development.
Without embracing my natural magnetism, I was trapped in a cycle of frustration and missed connections. But once I started aligning with my true energy, everything began to change.
Opportunities started flowing in, relationships deepened, and I felt a newfound sense of confidence, drive, and purpose.
Subscribers, how are you stepping into your true energy and overcoming the barriers that hold you back? Comment below, and
I will respond.